Monday, March 9, 2009

Living a Prophetic Life

Have you ever had anyone challenge your thinking about the way you live out your faith? 

Recently, I heard a speaker who did just that...  and his challenge to each of us was that we might live and preach in such a way, that people would know that our God was real...  That our words and our actions would cause them to be shaken to the very foundations of their lives with God's "fire", so that they would "fall on their faces" and worship God...  not just think that we were wonderful Christ-followers... or great preachers... or great Sunday school teachers or youth workers...

As I have been thinking about this challenge, it came to me that in order to answer this challenge, one had to live a "prophetic life".  Don't misunderstand - I am not saying that one has to become a prophet...  becoming a prophet is not a "career choice" that one can study for, and then go seek a job.  In studying Old Testament prophets, it is clear that they became prophets at God's choosing.  They weren't looking to be prophets or proclaiming themselves as prophets...  God chose them... God called them... God made them prophets...  and they served at God's will, prophesying only when given a specific message from God.

But yet, thinking of this challenge brought the conclusion that Christ-followers needed to live "prophetic lives"...   So what does that mean?  Although I think I may live the rest of my life figuring that out, here is what I think now:

A prophetic life is a "called" life...
A prophetic life is a life that has "a knowledge of God"...
A prophetic life is one that is in communion with God...
A prophetic life is a surrendered life...
A prophetic life is one that brings God's message of hope and love to the world...
A prophetic life is one lived as a part of the community of believers...

If you have answered Jesus' call to follow him, and have surrendered your life to follow God's will... if you are continuing to learn about God as you live in communion with Him and in community with fellow believers... and if you are willing to share the message of hope and love that comes from God with a world that is desperate and hurting...  then you might be on the journey to live a prophetic life.

Jesus told his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."  [Matthew 9:37-38  New International Version of the Bible]  

Pray that more will answer God's call to live prophetic lives!

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